
Our terms and conditions.


Enrolment in our immersion program implies acceptance of the following:

To enrol, you must:
Be at least 16 years old by the first day of the course.
Send a enquiry through our contact page, in order to receive information about dates and an enrolment form. Upon completion of the enrolment form it will have to be accompanied by the payment of the program.
Zocqs declines all responsibility for minors between 16 and 18 years old. A parental authorisation, duly completed and signed must be returned with the enrolment form.

The fees are due at the time of enrolment, in one installment.
Payment by bank transfer must be done to the account of Zocqs to the name of its manager.
Bank fees are to be paid by the student.

Upon reception of the full payment of the course, you will receive by email:
A paid invoice.
A certificate of enrolment showing dates of the training course.
Details of accommodation in regards to the bedroom or suite.

Students are requested to inform us about their time of arrival if transfer is needed.

Each student is responsible for taking out their own insurance covering illness, loss of money, valuables or luggage, theft, interruption of the course for personal or health reasons, and civil liability.

Notice of any postponement or cancellation must be sent in writing to Zocqs.
In the event of postponement or cancellation by the student, the following fees will be charged:
Cancellation 10 days or more before the first day of the course: 170 €
Cancellation less than 10 days before the first day of the course: 170 € + cost of a one-week training programme and accommodation.
Cancellation starting Friday afternoon (4:00 PM, Paris Time, UTC+2) prior to the first day of the course or once it has started: all course and accommodation fees.
Zocqs reserves the right to cancel courses which do not obtain a sufficient number of enrolments. Should this happen, you will receive a full refund of the paid amount.

Without prior approval from Zocqs, no reimbursement, compensation or postponement shall be made in regards to student absences (hours, days, class periods and organized excursions).

If a student’s behaviour is liable to have a disruptive effect on the classes or other activities provided (courses, accommodation, leisure activities) or to be damaging to the reputation of Zocqs, the student in question will be immediately expelled without prior notice and will not be entitled to a refund of the paid fees.

Unless otherwise informed by the student on enrolment, photographs of students may be taken by Zocqs and used for communication and marketing purposes.

Any claim should be addressed in a detailed email to Zocqs, who undertakes to give the issue its full attention. In the event of litigation, the case will be submitted to the law courts of Melbourne.